A short audio Zedcast to introduce the video that will be coming in Zedcast 021b
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Links to shows mentioned on The Zedcast
The Big Show with Aaron and Jenny. And the Hardest Game in Podcasting - "Dead or Alive"
Shelly's Podcast an audio blog, tech comentary and humor podcast.
Geek Fu Action Grip lessons from a Geek Fu Master
A Storied Life by Sonia Brock autobiographical Podcasts for family, friends and perfect strangers.
Quirky Nomads The story of a family that said, "If the Republicans get any worse, we're moving to Canada." And then? They really did.
The Poddog Show come for a walk with Daryl & Kuma
King Bonk's Campfire Cast A periodic Setting of Sound and Story.
The Canadian Podcast Shoutout
Zee and Zed Commentary, stories, musings and observations from Ross and Karen, a sarcastic American and a wry Canadian joined in cross-border matrimony.
* click on the "direct download" link below to listen on your computer or download to your MP3 player, or subscribe to the show at iTunes or using the orange RSS button on the sidebar of our website
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-- posted at: 11:21am -04