Sun, 5 November 2006
I'm going to be doing a Zedcast - LIVE! show on Sunday night after the Net@Nite session with Leo LaPorte and Amber MacArthur. Victor Cajiao - 8:30pm [EST]+1 (724) 444-7444 ext: 3097 #
Visit the website at and listen to the show or download the TalkShoe client,
(PC or Mac), and create a free account to be able to interact with the
host, (that's me). You can log in through your computer for listening
and text chat, and/or then Skype/Gizmo/phone in to be on the show LIVE!Net@Nite - 9:00pm [EST] +1 (724) 444-7444 ext: 3185 # Zedcast - LIVE! 10:00pm [EST] +1 (724) 444-7444 ext: 4688 # Come by and say hello I'd love to talk with you, - Bruce *[One note: if you are on a Mac, use Safari instead of FireFox and if you are calling through Skype, be patient it takes a little longer to connect than regular Skype-Out - BGM]
Category:Blog Post (Text)
-- posted at: 8:22pm -04