Tue, 31 May 2005
Hi everybody,
This is a brief test podcast to make sure that the RSS is working and that I can subscribe through iPodder and other agrigators, as well as direct download. Stay tuned for more in Zedcast #2 - Bruce G.
Thu, 19 May 2005
I assume you are looking for The Zedcast with host Bruce Murray. These are all alternate searches but the correct search is Zedcast.
Bruce Murray
Host of the Zedcast
Subscribe with RSS: http://zedcast.libsyn.com/rss
or Subscribe with iTunes:
Z cast, Zcast, Z-cast, Zed cast, Zedcaster, Z cast, Zcast, Z-cast, Zed cast, Zedcaster, Z cast, Zcast, Z-cast, Zed cast, Zedcaster, Z cast, Zcast, Z-cast, Zed cast, Zedcaster, Z cast, Zcast, Z-cast, Zed cast, Zedcaster
-- posted at: 11:10am -04
Sat, 7 May 2005
Zedcast 100th Show Promo
Bruce Murray
Host of the Zedcast
Email: Zedcast@GMail.com