Comedy Skits and Stories from Canada, going out to the World on the Podosphere
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February 2007
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Zedcast043FromMy Friends I am constantly blown away by the thoughtfulness and generosity of the podcast community. Todays Zedcast was produced entirely by my Friends. I knew nothing about it until I woke up early this morning to get some work done before the kids got up and found this in my GMail. It is without a doubt one of the sweetest, most thoughtful things I have ever received for my birthday.

I have been heartsick over the lack of activity in the Zedcast feed. It is not for lack of inspiration or want of muse. It is purely a Time & Priority thing. I am writing notes and recording snippets constantly. But none has ever reached the point of show-ness. During the first year, I put off my (paid) work, my family, and my running group to produce the Zedcast. During the second year I tried to do it all and put off my health as well. This year I have spent more time with my family, gotten back to regular marathon training, and my business is flourishing. This has left little time for anything else.

I will be back at the show in some form after Dec 5, but I know better than to make any promises beyond this.

I am still subscribed to over 200 podcasts and listen all day long. And the friends represented here are always at the top of my listening list, though I don't tell them often enough.

Thank you for a wonderful birthday gift!

Katherine & Rob, Ken, Chris, James, Ted, Sylvain, Sage, Dave & Isabelle, Mark, Cat & Bob.

Direct download: RadioFreeZedcast.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:05am -04

Zedcast 042 PAB 2007 Audio from my trip to Kingston and the Podcasters Across Borders Conference in June.

*WARNING* this episode is NOT kid/family/work or dishwasher safe due to occasional coarse language.

Call in your "O Canada" to the TOLL-FREE Zed Head line
1 (888) 428-7277

Links to podcasts mentioned in this episode:
All Axis Radio * PAB 2007 * Audio Popcorn * My Marilyn * Oka Zoo * Much To Do About Nothing * Flickr: PAB2007 * TodBits * Robert Farrell * Canadian Podcast Buffet * Freddy Litwiniuk * Shane & Tom's Squeezebox * Kaflooey * Cast-on * GeezerVersion2 * Cinefolle * Purl Diving * Island Podcasting * Baba's Beach * Le Quebec Baladodiffusion * Mostly News * Desperate Husbands * Higher Ed Podcast * Electric Sky * TalkShoe * Typical Mac User Podcast * Headphones Required * The Running Shoe * Atomic Suburbia * Ottawa Local Podcast * Gillmor Gang * Comicology * Ology * Bob & AJ Show * In Over Your Head * Quirky Nomads * Quirky Outtakes * Paul Henderson * '72 Canada-Russia Series: Summit On Ice * Uncle Seth

Also check out Charles Hodgson's new book "Carnal Knowledge: A Navel Gazer's Dictionary of Anatomy, Etymology and Trivia."

Direct download: Zedcast042PAB2007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:37am -04

Zedcast 041 Vacationcast 1 - Atlantic Cirque A snippet of video from our vacation on the South Shore of Nova Scotia.
My daughter is attending the Atlantic Cirque summer program so I sat down with her to find out what the program is all about.

Call the Zedcast Listener Line TOLL-FREE:

1 (888) 428-7277
1 (888) Hat-Raps

- -
Bruce Murray
Host of The Zedcast
Direct download: Zedcast041Vacationcast.m4v
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:42pm -04

Zedcast 040 Newfoundland (New-fun-LAND) Greetings Zed Heads! It's the long awaited start of the Podcasters Across Canada tour! Today we are beginning our journey in the wonderful-grand province of Newfoundland and Labrador with Dana, (Wanker Girl), the host of BLARM!

We have a new TOLL FREE Zedcast Listener Line:

This number is TOLL FREE from anywhere in Canada or the USA.
Elsewhere in the world you can call the number or use the MobaTalk link on the sidebar, or email audio comments to

Thanks to Alison Hartson, star of "The Pajama Game" for the show ID!

Music heard in this episode:
Oh Canada by Five Iron Frenzy
IKEA by Jonathan Coulton
(Lyrics found here )

I have another Podcast called The Running Shoe on the TalkShoe Network
It is an interactive call-in show dedicated to running, fitness, nutrition, and road-racing. It's on Thursday nights, 9pm(EST) [6pm (PST)] or you can listen to the archived shows anytime at


Direct download: Zedcast040Newfoundland.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:16am -04

Zedcast Short Announcement Greetings Zed Heads! This is just a short announcement to let you know that as I transfer audio files from one hosting service to another you may experience additional downloads of older Zedcast episodes (numbered from 001-039). Please listen or delete them as you wish with my apologies. The feed should settle down after a few days.

I am on vacation for the next two weeks and will be releasing several new Zedcast episodes, (numbered 040 and up), including audio and video from Podcasters Across Borders 2007, new stories and the long promised Podcasters Across Canada. Stay tuned and Happy Canada Day to my fellow countrymen, and Happy Independence Day to our friends and neighbours in the United States.

 - Bruce Murray (Yes, I'm still alive!)

Direct download: ZedcastAnnouncement.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:12am -04

I See Zed People... I went to a podcaster meet-up a few weeks back that was hosted by Jeff MacArthur, co-host of the wildly popular CommandN video podcast. Also attending were Steve Dinn from, Chris Campbell from CommandN and Bad Metaphor, Rob and John from EMS Live and Steve from unTV. Amber MacArthur also attended for a short time through video chat. I gave our host a Zedcast T-Shirt and was flattered to see, on the next episode of CommandN, Jeff wearing the "I see Zed People" shirt during his segment.
Category:Blog Post (Text) -- posted at: 6:22am -04

Zedcast 039 The Magic Bus Greetings Zed Heads! I'm back from vacation with a tale of many buses (and micro-buses).  My father contributes a story about a family trip when I was four.  I get up on my soap box for a rare rant against government sanctioned killing. I'll introduce a new segment to this Canadian Podcast.  And we'll top that all off with some podsafe travel music.

Thanks to Maurice Zondag from Sunday Sundown for the show ID!

Music heard in this episode:
"Bluebird Days" by PosterBoy (special permission)
"What Happens on the Bus, Stays on the Bus" by Charlie Hartwell
"Acoustic" by SARK (DOGU)
"Long After You're Gone" by Stefan Brixel
"Wondermint" by Dave from Chub Creek


Direct download: Zedcast039TheMagicBus.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:56pm -04

Zedcast 038 SSSSSSSmokin' When I was 23 years old I sat down and wrote a list.  It was a list of "Everything that I wanted to do before I died, but was putting off until... someday". And I realized that 'someday' was never going to come unless I started doing some of those things today.  Over the next several weeks I'm going to tell you about some of the things on The List. Some that I have accomplished, and some that I'm still working on.

 Today on The List: #1 Quit  Smoking

Intro ID by The Philosophy Guy
That Time of the Month by Rob from Podcast 411

"Parsley" by Dave from Chub Creek
Mountain Coffee Breakdown" by The Muckland Crooners

Click on the poster to watch the trailer for the movie "Thank You For Smoking" a black comedy about the tobacco industry.

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Direct download: Zedcast038Smokin.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:40am -04

Zedcast 037 Happy Flu Year! Happy New Year to Zed Heads around the world! Welcome to the first Zedcast of 2007. I'm your host, Bruce Murray, and I'm heavily medicated AGAIN! This is becoming an annual event, the post Holiday flu. This podcast was supposed to out before Jan 1, but my throat was in no shape to record for the past two weeks.

On the show today, some funny stories from Kora, who you'll remember from the Drillcasts of 2005. We'll hear about her childhood Christmas in Newfoundland, tree hunting, Cocktail Weiners, Mummers, and bottled moose. Some feedback from North America, Europe and... The Faroe Islands!

Some of the wonderful shows mentioned on today's Zedcast:

The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd... Journey Inside My Mind... Podquiz... Ask Lyndon... Cinefolle... Purl Diving... Barry from Barrie... Quirky Nomads... Sunday Sundown... Podvarpid from the Faroe Islands... The AndyCast

Music in this episode:
"Watchstar" by 3 Blind Mice.."In the Bleak Mid-Winter" by Doug Boldt..."Parsley" by Dave from Chub Creek..."I Feel Fantastic" by Jonathan Coulton..."Auld Lang Syne" by Friction Bailey

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Direct download: Zedcast037HappyFluYear.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:07pm -04