Comedy Skits and Stories from Canada, going out to the World on the Podosphere
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Contact Canadian Blood Services at 1(888) 2 DONATE [1(888) 236-6283]

Contact OneMatch to Register for Stem Cell Registry:

"It's In You To Give!"

Tell me your story of giving or receiving, blood or stem cells:


Direct download: ZedBlast_GiveBlood.mp3
Category:QuickCast -- posted at: 5:55pm -04

ZedcastHurricaneRelief_UPDATE Hello Zedcast listeners.UPDATE. If you read the comment in the previous podcast you will see that Aram is alive and Aram's family has evacuated to Memphis. Please leave messages for Aram in the comments section. also visit the Morgan Lehman Gallery website to purchase paintings by Dona Lief, Aram's mother. They are beautiful paintings and the rest of her artwork was destroyed in the Hurricane and flood. The Regular Zedcast Show will be up tonight.

Please contribute to the organizations listed below:

The American Red Cross

The Salvation Army

*Or call to donate 1(800) HELP NOW

* click here to visit the Morgan Lehman Gallery website to purchase paintings by Dona Lief. The Painting above is titled "Madonna of the Monarchs" (10"x12" Oil on panel)
Direct download: ZedcastHurricaneRelief_UPDATE.mp3
Category:QuickCast -- posted at: 2:21pm -04

Zedcast 010 The Sweeps Week Show! Well I'm back from vacation and IT'S SWEEPS WEEK!!. You will not believe all of the AMAZING, STUPENDOUS and SEXY content that we have on the Zedcast this week in a shameless attempt to get your vote at HILARIOUS SKITS! FAMOUS CELEBRITIES! And a visit from the cast of BAYWATCH: The Musical!

*Click Here* to vote for The Zedcast at podcast Alley.(You know you Waaaaaaanna'!)

Come and join other Zedcast listeners at THE ZEDCAST FORUM.

Podcasts featured on the Sweeps Week Show: Podcast Steve and Jeannine's rantings about politics, local goings on, and the like.

The Bob & AJ Show Hockey, beer and great tunes!

Podcast 411 Listen Different with Podcast 411

Chub Creek Come on in. Don't be a dink!

Toronto's Molar Radio Covering local Toronto events & people.

And also Support these fine Podcasts:

The CatFish Show Life of a SAHM in Canada.
Mostly Tunes Podsafe Canadian Music.
The How To Do Stuff Podcast Extraordinary Wisdom. From Ordinary People.
That Happy Feeling An Aussie perspective on news, music, tech stuff, etc
The Electric Sky Podcast Podcasting Visual Insound

The Canadian Podcast Shoutout!

The MS Podcast Kim and Tod Maffin's weekly wrapup of M.S. news, book reviews, and more.
Kim Maffin's MS Blog Kim Maffin blogs on her experiences with MS

* click on the "direct download" link below to listen on your computer or download to your MP3 player, or subscribe to the show at iTunes or using the orange RSS button on the sidebar of our website

Direct download: Zedcast010SweepsWeek.mp3
Category:QuickCast -- posted at: 4:19am -04

Zedcast 009 The Skydiving Story (Part2) Sorry for the Cliffhanger. The guards took me away before I could finish the story. Aurora from the Embassy says that the only way to win my release is for all of the listeners of The Zedcast to show their support by voting for the show at Podcast Alley

*Click Here* to vote for The Zedcast at podcast Alley and end this persecution.

Come and join the Candlelight vigil at THE ZEDCAST FORUM. Add your voice and free Bruce from the clutches of the R.I.A.A..

* click on the "direct download" link below to listen on your computer or download to your MP3 player, or subscribe to the show at iTunes or using the orange XML button at left.

Direct download: Zedcast009SkydivingStory2.mp3
Category:QuickCast -- posted at: 10:56am -04

Zedcast 008 The Skydiving Story (Part1) HELP! I am being held captive by the R.I.A.A. (see Zedcast 007) I was able to get someone to smuggle this recording out but to find out how you can secure my release visit the Zedcast Forum.

Click here to visit the NEW ZEDCAST FORUM. come take a look, don't be shy.

And also Support these fine Podcasts:

The CatFish Show Life of a SAHM in Canada

The Bob & AJ Show Hockey, beer and great tunes!

Island Podcasting A podcast show about life on Vancouver Island.

Spine.CX Podcast Steve and Jeannine's rantings about politics, local goings on, and the like.

Toronto's Molar Radio Covering local Toronto events & people.

Accident Hash Nothing but the best in Podsafe Music from C.C. Chapman

* click on the "direct download" link below to listen on your computer or download to your MP3 player, or subscribe to the show using the orange XML button at left

Direct download: Zedcast008SkydivingStory1.mp3
Category:QuickCast -- posted at: 5:55am -04

Zedcast 007 Close Encounters of the Zed Kind We Make Contact! This week on the Zedcast - Close Encounters of the Zed Kind. Aliens visit our planet, but what are they really after...? Apologies for a missed show. Then we say good-bye to an old friend, Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, better known as 'Scotty'. And the Skydiving story, finally!

Click here to visit the NEW ZEDCAST FORUM. come take a look, don't be shy.

And also Support these fine Podcasts:

The CatFish Show Life of a SAHM in Canada

The Bob & AJ Show Hockey, beer and great tunes!

The Spine.CX Podcast Steve and Jeannine's rantings about politics, local goings on, and the like.

Island Podcasting A podcast show about life on Vancouver Island.

Toronto's Molar Radio Covering local Toronto events & people.

Adam Curry's Daily Source Code You Know the one

Accident Hash Nothing but the best in Podsafe Music from C.C. Chapman

* click on the "direct download" link below to listen on your computer or download to your MP3 player, or subscribe to the show using the orange RSS button at left - Either way, THANKS FOR LISTENING! - BGM

Direct download: Zedcast007CloseEncounters.mp3
Category:QuickCast -- posted at: 1:46pm -04

Zedcast 006 The Schizophrenicast This week on the Zedcast - A meeting of minds...inside my mind. Then "It's Lobster Carnival Time" and I'm getting out of the studio to talk to some REAL, LIVE, HUMAN BEINGS, (yes, I know it's hard to believe), as we take you on the scene of the premiere racing event of the season.The 2005 Pictou Lobster Carnival Bed Race!

Click here to visit the NEW ZEDCAST FORUM. come take a look, don't be shy.

Click here to view a slideshow of The 2005 Pictou Lobster Carnival Bed Race

*Links to Bed Race 2004 Photos will be up shortly...maybe even a few minutes...really, come back soon!

The GO PICTOU website News and Events in Pictou, Nova Scotia

And also Support these fine Podcasts:

The CatFish Show Life of a SAHM in Canada

The Bob & AJ Show Hockey, beer and great tunes!

Island Podcasting A podcast show about life on Vancouver Island.

Toronto's Molar Radio Covering local Toronto events & people.

*WATCH THIS VIDEO and help make Poverty "History"
My Odeo Channel
*If you click on the download link below and think you got "The CatFish Show"...JUST KEEP LISTENING! (sorry for any confusion - BGM)

Direct download: Zedcast006TheSchizophrenicast.mp3
Category:QuickCast -- posted at: 8:00am -04

Zedcast 005 Hendrix on Canada Day Jimi Hendrix and I led parallel lives...well almost. We take a romp in the ROMPER ROOM and The "secret" of my stellar audio is revealed.

Click here to visit the NEW ZEDCAST FORUM

And also Support these fine Podcasts:

*Spine.CX Podcast
*Island Podcasting
A podcast show about life on Vancouver Island. Exploring culture, natural history and events on the Island.
*Register at send a message to our G8 leaders that poverty is a curable disease

Direct download: Zedcast005Hendrix_CanadaDay.mp3
Category:QuickCast -- posted at: 1:59pm -04

Zedcast 004 Happy Summer Days! A Podcasting Time-Warp as Fonzie and the gang take to the Podosphere. Then a Day in the Life of a small town podcaster.

Click here to visit the NEW ZEDCAST FORUM

And also Support these fine Podcasts:

*The Catfish Show
*Tod Maffin's I Love Radio
*Bob & AJ
*Mostly Tunes
*Podcheck Weekly Review
*Podcast 411
*Accident Hash
*Endurance Radio
*Podcast Solutions
Direct download: Zedcast004HappySummerDays.mp3
Category:QuickCast -- posted at: 5:54pm -04

This week on the Zedcast we do a "sound-seeing" tour of the first Pictou County, Nova Scotia Podcasters Meet-Up.

Shout outs to some excellent Podcasts!

The CatFish Show Life of a SAHM in Canada

The Bob & AJ Show Hockey, beer and great tunes!

The Great White North

Toronto's Molar Radio Covering local Toronto events & people.

Tod Maffin's /Nerd CBC's Technology Columnist Canadian Podcast Directory

The FEED Upcoming CBC show about Canadian Podcasts

The Podcast Steve & Jeanine Chat and rant about stuff

EMS Live Paramedic and Emergency workers news from around the world

Chub CreekThe boys from the farm didn't mean any harm

Special thanks to my Mom & Dad, my assistant Amber, and DJ Max!

And, of course, many thanks to all of you for listening. - Bruce
Direct download: Zedcast003_A_great_week.mp3
Category:QuickCast -- posted at: 6:05am -04

The Zedcast 002 - The Kitchen Cast We're really pushing the envelope with this one, stretching the boundaries of the Podosphere. Even though I will always try to dispel some of the stereotypes about Canada and Canadians, this ends up being an episode about Hockey and Tim Horton's coffee. Oh well. - Scott Fletcher's Podcheck Weekly Review -The CatFish Show -The Bob and AJ Show -The Great White North
Direct download: Zedcast002_KitchenCast.mp3
Category:QuickCast -- posted at: 2:50pm -04

Zedcast # 100 !! Well we finally made it ...SHOW # 100!! Many thanks to all those who encouraged me to get into this thing we call Podcasting. A little message to tell you why I decided to Podcast, why it's called a Zedcast and how to get in touch. Subscribe to the feed...this will only get better. Leave a comment... Send an Email... Plant a Tree... DO ALL THREE...! Thanks for listening - Bruce
Direct download: Zedcast100_iPod_Therefore_I_Am_copy_1.mp3
Category:QuickCast -- posted at: 4:25pm -04

Zedcast 100th Show Promo

Bruce Murray
Host of the Zedcast
Direct download: Zedcast100thShowPromo.mp3
Category:QuickCast -- posted at: 6:26am -04