Comedy Skits and Stories from Canada, going out to the World on the Podosphere
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February 2006
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Zedcast 036 A Funny Thing Happened One Christmas... Season's Greetings from The Zedcast. A very special Christmas story episode. You'll hear fun and funny, quirky, wacky, nutty, and just plain nice stories from Zed Heads around the world. There are contributions from  people aged 8 to 85, podcasters and listeners, friends and family. And by special permission we'll play some wonderful new Christmas music from Pictou Singer-Songwriter Dave Gunning, from his new CD entitled "Dave Gunning - Christmas"

Many thanks to everyone who participated:

Tom and Ema  from The Unreal OC... My Dad... Trucker Tom... Sage Tyrtle from Quirky Nomads... Dan Johnson from The Journey Inside My Mind... Michael Carrino from The Digital Media Cast Experiment... Victor Cajiou from Immigration Tales... Charles Cadenhead from Mostly News... Steve and LeeAnn Webb from LifeSpring... My Great Aunt Ruth... Will from Smart Bomb Radio... John Wall from The M Show... Jim Cyr from Jim Cyr Mighty Podcast... The Scarborough Dude from Dicks N' Janes... Morrie from That Happy Feeling... Mark and Maureen Blasekie from Baba's Beach... Mark Blevis from Just One More Book... James Whitingham from Regina Radio...

Selections from Dave Gunning - Christmas:
 - Christmas Blanket
 - Do You Feel What I Feel
 - Daddy's Beer

Piano Music by Doug Boldt [PMN]
Direct download: Zedcast036AFunnyThingHappenedOneChristmas.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:45pm -04

Zedcast 035 Driving to Halifax Zedcast 035 with your host, Bruce Murray. Today I'm heading up to Halifax Nova Scotia for 3 birthdays, 2 Christmas parties, A Ballet, A Play, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree. A driving cast, (apologies for the background noise). Next Zedcast will include a segment called "A Funny Thing Happened One Christmas..." and I'm looking for listeners to record a short funny memory from a Christmas past. There is a short deadline (Dec 19th) so click on the My Chingo button on the side bar or the Odeo link and record a message. You can also call the listener line 1 (206) 495-6565.

The 2nd Annual Rogic Podcast Conglomerate Sing-Along
*My apologies to Nico from Snowy Day Design, our wonderful Rogic designer, who I forgot to mention as I was driving.

Other great shows mentioned in this podcast: Typical PC User... Immigration Tales... Electric Sky... Snowy Day Design... Digital Detroit Radio... Podquiz... Kaflooey... Mostly Tunes... Journey Inside My Mind... Smart Bomb Radio... That Happy Feeling... Homeschooler Podcast... Typical Mac User... Canadian Podcast Buffet... Shane And Tom's Squeezebox...The CatFish Show... Baba's Beach... TalkShoe...

Direct download: Zedcast035DrivingToHalifax.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:16pm -04

Zedcast 034 The List Well, my studio, my day job and the (beautiful) weather are conspiring to keep me from getting a show out, but I persevere! We have the answer to the Trivia Question and the results of the Listener Poll. Today a short story about how "The List" got started. All this, AND Podsafe Comedy Tunes. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! to the 11/27 Crew!

Congratulations to:
Mostly News - Show # 50

Other great shows mentioned in this podcast:
 Evil Genius Chronicles...Catholic Insider...SQPN Network... AndyCast... JamesPod Regina Radio... Podcast Pickle... Shelly's Podcast... Mostly News... Desperate Husbands... Trucker Tom... Check This Out... Podcast 411... Whole Lot Of Nonsense... The UnReal OC... Typical Mac User... Canadian Podcast Buffet... Pickle Tales... Nina Kimberley the Merciless... Dogs By Lori... Spine Radio... Shane And Tom's Squeezebox...The CatFish Show... Keith & the Girl... Baba's Beach... The Philosophy Guy... Podsafe Comedy Countdown... TalkShoe... Total Podcastrophe...

Podcast Shoutout: Short Cummings Audio with Kevin Cummings

Trivia Contest Question: "Why was Noonie Harper (our alleged ghost) called 'Noonie'?" Send your answers to Zedcast [at] or call it in to the listener line (206) 495-6565

Podsafe Comedy Music by Jonathan Coulton  - "Skullcrusher Mountain" The most beautiful love song ever written.

Direct download: Zedcast034TheList.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:00am -04

Zedcast - LIVE! on TalkShoe Sunday Nov. 5th Greetings Zed Heads,

I'm going to be doing a Zedcast - LIVE! show on Sunday night after the Net@Nite session with Leo LaPorte and Amber MacArthur.

Victor Cajiao - 8:30pm [EST]+1 (724) 444-7444 ext: 3097 #

Net@Nite - 9:00pm [EST] +1 (724) 444-7444 ext: 3185 #

Zedcast - LIVE! 10:00pm [EST] +1 (724) 444-7444 ext: 4688 #

Visit the website at and listen to the show or download the TalkShoe client, (PC or Mac), and create a free account to be able to interact with the host, (that's me). You can log in through your computer for listening and text chat, and/or then Skype/Gizmo/phone in to be on the show LIVE!

Come by and say hello I'd love to talk with you, - Bruce

*[One note: if you are on a Mac, use Safari instead of FireFox and if you are calling through Skype, be patient it takes a little longer to connect than regular Skype-Out - BGM]
Category:Blog Post (Text) -- posted at: 8:22pm -04

Zedcast 033 Expolicious! Your Prodigal Podcaster has returned! I know that you've heard about all you can stand about the Expo in California BUT I've been held hostage by my technology for the past several weeks so now it's my turn.

Congratulations to:
Shelly Brisbin - Shelly's Podcast 100th Episode!
Aaron & Jenny - The Big Show 100th Episode!
Jim Milles - Check This Out 50th episode on his 50th Birthday!
Morrie - That Happy Feeling 50th Episode!

Other great shows mentioned in this podcast:
Coverville... The Poddog Show... AndyCast... CLIP Podcast... JamesPod Regina Radio... Bitterest Pill... In Over Your Head.... LA Podcasters... The Big Show... CodedSignal... The Podcast Pickle... All Axis Radio... Shelly's Podcast... Mostly News... Desperate Husbands... The TryPod Network... Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd... Verge of the Fringe... Podcheck Review... Libsyn... Isrealisms... Jawbone... Trucker Tom... iProng Radio... Rosary Army... History Podcast... Podchick... Skydiver Girls... Rock &N Roll TV... DMCEX... Armchair Survivor... Armchair Apprentice... Check This Out... Podcast 411... Whole Lot Of Nonesense... Ewan Spence... Griddlecakes Radio... The UnReal OC... The M Show... SL Podcast... Baseball History Podcast... Typical Mac User... Searching The Internet... LifeSpring Podcast... YourWeddingYourWay... Schooner Bluenose... Canadian Podcast Buffet... Podcast Morons... Quirky Quiz

Click here to view AJay's (All Axis Radio) Pickle Man Video !

Direct download: Zedcast033Expolicious.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:58am -04

My chat with Trucker Tom I've just replaced the hard drive in my computer for the fourth time in as many weeks. And I've spent much of that time re-installing software and getting back-up files replaced on each drive. But the new drive is permanent and I should have the recording studio back up and running in the next few days.

In the mean time, the interview, with Trucker Tom from poolside at the Marriott on the last night of the Expo is up on his website if you want to have a listen.

New Zedcast very soon, thanks for your patience. Oh and don't forget to vote in the poll (on the left side bar)

Cheers, - Bruce
Category:Blog Post (Text) -- posted at: 2:26pm -04

As I work on editing all of the audio from the Podcast and Portable Media Expo (The Expo). I thought you might like to check out some of the other projects that I have been involved in recently, outside of the Zedcast feed.

I was a guest host on the Podcast Morons show and did a segment on editing:

*Podcast Morons #13 The Power of Zediting

I was a (self appointed) Roving Reporter for the Canadian Podcast Buffet in a two part series interviewing Canadian podcasters at The Expo:

*Special Edition: PPME Canadians #1
*Special Edition: PPME Canadians #2

I was featured on Brian Ibbott's 250th edition of Coverville recorded at The Expo:

* Coverville #250 From The Podcast Expo

And also:

*Quirky Quiz #3 on Quirky Nomads with Sage Tyrtle

I'll also be featured in an interview with Trucker Tom, and I'll post the link when that is up.

OK, happy listening and I'll get back to editing. I'll have a new Zedcast up very soon.

<<<<<Also you can VOTE IN THE POLL on the side bar (scroll down): What would you like to be called as Zedcast Listeners?

Thanks for listening, - Bruce

Category:Blog Post (Text) -- posted at: 5:14pm -04

Zedcast 032 The Expo The Crash and Snick Snacks Hi everybody. this is not the show that was supposed to be in this spot but all will be revealed in the show. Podcasting from the Los Angeles Intenational Airport on the way to the Podcast and Portable Media Expo in Ontario, California. We hear some older clips of friends and an in-depth discussion of Snick Snacks Lots more to come from the PME!

More show notes and links to come.
Direct download: Zedcast032SnickSnacks.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:11pm -04

Zedcast 031 Batman Returns! and The Hangover
BATMAN RETURNS!...sort of...
The Caped Crusader gets a new side-kick and takes on a band of hooligans. Then we take a trip back from Kingston in a story with many... misadventures. Thank-you for staying subscribed during my summer break. I will be heading to the Podcast & Portable Media Expo at the end of the Month. The Zedcast is nominated for Favorite Podcast and Best Storytelling Podcast at The Podcast Peer Awards.

Vote for The Zedcast at the Podcast Peer Awards.

Come and join the ZEDCAST FRAPPR MAP

It's a new month so *Click Here* to vote for The Zedcast at podcast Alley.(Thanks for your support)

Come and join other Zedcast listeners at THE ZEDCAST FORUM. Send audio files to Zedcast[at], or call into the Zedcast Listener Line 1-(206) 495-6565 Thanks to everyone for participating.

Links to shows mentioned on The Zedcast

The CatFish Show ... Bob & AJ... Electric Sky ... Rogic Podcast Conglomerate ... Podcasters Across Borders ... Digital Detroit Radio ... BoNeD ... In Over Your Head ... Ottawa Local Podcast ... Just One More Book ... Kaflooey ... CommandN ... Geek Farm Life ... Comicology ... WeaveCast ... The AndyCast ... Canadian Podcast Buffet ... Chub Creek... Griddlecakes Radio ... Cast-On ... Zee & Zed ...

Some of this Episode's Music can be found at the
Podsafe Music Network:
Derek K. Miller - "Meltdown Man"
Skylab2000 - "Night Train"
Symon Jerycho - "Drive"
Brain Bucket - "Baja Taxi"
Jeff Shields - "Kiddie Music for The People"
Charlie Crowe - "Crowe Jam"

* click on the > link below to download to your MP3 player or click on my hands on the sidebar to listen on your computer, or subscribe to the show at iTunes or using the orange RSS button on the sidebar of our website

Direct download: Zedcast031BatmanReturns.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:27pm -04

Zedcast 030 VacationCast#2 - Codblasters A Lost Hoarders
The second of the Vacation Casts from the beautiful South Shore of Nova Scotia. Some sage wisdom from a Shaolin Priest; a visit from Chef Gioseppe Spaghetti Ravioli Linguine; random conversations from before and after Podcasters Across Borders.

Vote for Digital Detroit Radio at the Podcast Awards.

A sad farewell to Zee & Zed :^(

Come and join the ZEDCAST FRAPPR MAP

It's a new month so *Click Here* to vote for The Zedcast at podcast Alley.(Thanks for your support)

Come and join other Zedcast listeners at THE ZEDCAST FORUM. Send audio files to Zedcast[at], or call into the Zedcast Listener Line 1-(206) 495-6565 Thanks to everyone for participating.

Links to shows mentioned on The Zedcast

The CatFish Show ... ... Bob & AJ... Electric Sky ... EMS Live ... Rogic Podcast Conglomerate ... Podcasters Across Borders ... Digital Detroit Radio ... Dicks 'n Janes... BoNeD ... Grok Radio ... Deys Cast ... Beyond Science ... In Over Your Head ... Shane & Tom's Squeezebox... The Twisted Wrist ... Uncle Seth Podcast ... Sounds Like Canada: Digital Extra ... Uncle Seth Podcast ... Ottawa Local Podcast ... Podcast Awards ... Zee & Zed ... Accident Hash ...

* click on the > link below to download to your MP3 player or click on my hands on the sidebar to listen on your computer, or subscribe to the show at iTunes or using the orange RSS button on the sidebar of our website

Direct download: Zedcast030Vacation2PAB.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:43am -04

Zedcast 029 The VacationCast#1 - Rambling
The first of the Vacation Casts from the South Shore of Nova Scotia. A lot of rambling and catching up. Bill Clinton, BoNeD, and the Scarborough Dude, as well as an audio comment from "Lloyd From Lyon's Brook"

Come and join the ZEDCAST FRAPPR MAP

It's a new month so *Click Here* to vote for The Zedcast at podcast Alley.(Thanks for your support)

Come and join other Zedcast listeners at THE ZEDCAST FORUM. Send audio files to Zedcast[at], or call into the Zedcast Listener Line 1-(206) 495-6565 Thanks to everyone for participating.

Links to shows mentioned on The Zedcast

Canadian Podcast Buffet ... Podcasters Across Borders ... Cast-On ... Island Podcasting ... Dicks 'n Janes... The Poddog Show ... Spine Radio ... Daily Source Code ... BoNeD ... Accident Hash... Mostly Trivial ... Digital Flotsam... Pacific Coast Hellway ... Podquiz ... Coverville ... Griddlecakes Radio ... Verge of the Fringe... The Bitterest Pill... Psycheology ... Shelly's Podcast ... Podcheck Review... Chub Creek... Bowerbird Knits... Grok Radio ... Podcheck Review...

* click on the "direct download" link below or click on my hands on the sidebar to listen on your computer or download to your MP3 player, or subscribe to the show at iTunes or using the orange RSS button on the sidebar of our website

Direct download: Zedcast029VacationRambling.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:02pm -04

Zedcast 028b Canada Day Fireworks Part 2 of the Canada Day celebration. We take the kids down to the beach for a bonfire and fireworks display.

Oh Canada, by Danny Fong Extraordinaire

(thanks to Matt & AJ from for introducing me to this beautiful a cappella arrangement)

Come and join the ZEDCAST FRAPPR

 click on the "direct download" link below to download to your MP3 player, or click on my hands on the sidebar to listen on your computer And don't forget to subscribe to the show at iTunes

It's a new month so please show your support by casting your vote at Podcast Alley and adding The Zedcast to your favourites at Podcast Pickle

Direct download: Zedcast028bCanadaDayFireworks.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:16pm -04

Zedcast 028a Bubba Luv PSA Zedcast 028a Bubba Luv PSA - Bubba, a friend of Bruce Murray's, brings you some tips on how to have a safe and happy holiday weekend.

Happy Canada Day on July 1st and Happy independence Day to our neighbours to the south on July 4th.

Direct download: Zedcast028aBubbaLuvPSA.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:06am -04

Zedcast 027 The Santa Bunny Fairy The Zedcast is ONE YEAR OLD and we're hitting the road to Kingston. I'm your host Bruce Murray and I've been in the witness protection program for the past couple of weeks. But now that law enforcement is closing in on the terrorist elements that threaten the Podcasters Across Borders conference, I can finally get a show out. This week, I'll talk about Lies we tell our children (not safe for young ones) and something from the "be careful what you wish for" categoriy and lots of feedback.

Podcasters Across Borders ... Canadian Podcast Buffet ... JamesPod ... Broca's Area ... Electric Sky ... Growing Enthusiasm ... PolarBear Podcast ... Kaflooey ... Ponder Place ... Quirky Nomads ... Journey Inside My Mind ... Digital Media Cast Experiment ... Sonic Society ... Grok Radio ... SkoolSmart ...

Come and join the ZEDCAST FRAPPR

 click on the "direct download" link below to download to your MP3 player, or click on my hands on the sidebar to listen on your computer And don't forget to subscribe to the show at iTunes

Direct download: Zedcast027TheSantaBunnyFairy.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:24am -04

Zedcast 026 The Ghost of Noonie Harper The second half of the New York City Marathon Cast will be up next week. This is an interim podcast to catch up on some news and notes and to introduce a new series, and tell you about what it was like moving to a small town in Nova Scotia.

If you would like to send in feedback for the next show, email audio files to Zedcast[at], or call into the Zedcast Listener Line 1-(206) 495-6565. Thanks to everyone for participating.

Come and join the ZEDCAST FRAPPR MAP.

*Click Here* to vote for The Zedcast at Podcast Alley. (Thank you for your support!)

Come and join other Zedcast listeners at THE ZEDCAST FORUM.

Links to shows mentioned on The Zedcast
The Deranged Moose... The AndyCast... Zee and Zed... Digital Media Cast Experiment... The CatFish Show... Bob & AJ... Chub Creek... Accident Hash... Canadian Podcast Buffet... Island Podcasting... Dicks N' Janes with The Scarborough Dude... Todbits...

Music for the Noonie Harper Story was "Nocturne" by Ekho" (thanks Ted!)

The Canadian Podcast Shoutout
Podcasters Across Borders - An International meet-up of Podcasters and Listeners in Kingston, Ontario, June 22-23, 2006

* click on the "direct download" link below or click on my hands on the sidebar to listen in the New Zedcast Pupu Player, or subscribe to the show at iTunes or using the orange RSS button on the sidebar of our website

Direct download: Zedcast026NoonieHarper.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:41am -04

Zedcast 025 NYC Marathon 2005 Part 1 - Before The Gun It's Marathon morning at the 2005 New York City Marathon. I take you behind the scenes at Fort Wadsworth in Staten Island while a small city of 35,000 runners and volunteers are assembling before the amazing race start on the Verrezzano Narrows Bridge.

Interviews and conversations with volunteers, NYPD officers, spectators and runners from around the world.

(Audio originally recorded November 6, 2005)

Next Zedcast...The Race!

If you would like to send in feedback for the next show email audio files to Zedcast[at], or call into the Zedcast Listener Line 1 (206) 495-6565 or click here to send an ODEO voice message. Thanks to everyone for participating.

Come and join the ZEDCAST FRAPPR MAP.

It's a new month so *Click Here* to vote for The Zedcast at podcast Alley. (Thanks for your support!)

Come and join other Zedcast listeners at THE ZEDCAST FORUM
Direct download: Zedcast025NYCMarathonCastPart1.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:27am -04

Zedcast 024 Listener Feedback (Part Trois) I'm your host, Bruce Murray and today is the third installment of Listener Feedback. If you would like to send in feedback for the next show email audio files to Zedcast[at], or call into the Zedcast Listener Line 1-(206) 495-6565 Thanks to everyone for participating.

Come and join the ZEDCAST FRAPPR MAP.

It's a new month so *Click Here* to vote for The Zedcast at podcast Alley.(You know you Waaaaaaanna'!)

Come and join other Zedcast listeners at THE ZEDCAST FORUM.

Links to shows mentioned on The Zedcast
Quirky Nomads... Podcheck Review... Armchair Survivor... Zee and Zed... The Poddog Show... Ten With Tom... Spine Radio... Armchair Apprentice... Digital Media Cast Experiment... The CatFish Show... Vrypan|Net|Radio... Skolsmart... Qritiq... Bob & AJ... Journey Inside My Mind... CBC Outfront... CastBlaster... WinPodder... Real People... Rogic Easter Egg Hunt...

The Canadian Podcast Shoutout
Podcasters Across Borders - An International meet-up of Podcasters and Listeners in Kingston, Ontario, June 22-23, 2006

* click on the "direct download" link below or click on my hands on the sidebar to listen in the New Zedcast Pupu Player, or subscribe to the show at iTunes or using the orange RSS button on the sidebar of our website
Direct download: Zedcast024ListenerComments03.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:15am -04

The Zedcast has been chosen as one of three Canadian podcasts to be highlighted on the CBC Radio One show "Outfront".

CBC Producer Geoff Siskind has selected Radio Free Calamity, The Zedcast and Quirky Nomads to be broadcast on a week of shows introducing CBC listeners to some independent Canadian podcasts.

The Schedule is:

Radio Free Calamity - April 10, 2006 at 8:43pm (EDT)
The Zedcast - April 11, 2006 at 8:43pm (EDT)
Quirky Nomads - April 12, 2006 at 8:43pm (EDT)

Check the website for frequency listings in your area, or check CBC live streaming via the internet.

You can now hear Outfront across North America on
Sirius Satellite Radio 137.

Cheers, - Bruce
Category:general -- posted at: 11:10am -04

Zedcast 023 Listener Feedback (Part Deux) I'm your host, Bruce Murray and today we play some of the wonderful Listener Feedback that has come in over the past several months. So much that it wouldn't all fit in one show, soooooooo...there will be a Part Trois. If you would like to send in feedback for the next show email audio files to Zedcast[at], or call into the Zedcast Listener Line 1-(206) 495-6565 Thanks to everyone for participating.

Come and join the ZEDCAST FRAPPR MAP.

It's a new month so *Click Here* to vote for The Zedcast at podcast Alley.(You know you Waaaaaaanna'!)

Come and join other Zedcast listeners at THE ZEDCAST FORUM.

Links to shows mentioned on The Zedcast

Podcheck Review... Grok Radio ... Digital Media Cast Experiment ... CastBlaster ... Coverville ... The Polarbear Podcast ... Trucker Tom ... Krat Movie Reviews ... The AndyCast ... Spine Radio ... Kaflooey ... CommandN ... Bad Metaphor ... Indieish: CC365 ... EMS Live ... 5 Questions ... Podcast 411 ...
 Click to listen to our interview on podCast411

The Canadian Podcast Shoutout

The CatFish Show with Cat and Bob

* click on the "direct download" link below or click on my hands on the sidebar to listen on your computer or download to your MP3 player, or subscribe to the show at iTunes or using the orange RSS button on the sidebar of our website

Direct download: Zedcast023ListenerFeedback2.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:32am -04

Zedcast 022 The Polarbear Zedcast A Special collaborative show between your host, Bruce Murray, and Andy, host of The Polarbear Podcast from Helsingborg, Sweden. We talk about some of the similarities and differences between our two countries, cars, weather, and the first signs of spring. Note: We had a little trouble with the audio as it was our first attempt to record over Skype

Come and join the ZEDCAST FRAPPR MAP.

It's a new month so *Click Here* to vote for The Zedcast at podcast Alley.(You know you Waaaaaaanna'!)

Come and join other Zedcast listeners at THE ZEDCAST FORUM.

Links to shows mentioned on The Zedcast

The Polarbear Podcast The world from a Swedish point of view - Swenews, Swedish, promos and some great podsafe Swedish music.
The PK & J Show This isn't journalism, just fun for us and maybe you!.

The Canadian Podcast Shoutout

The Canadian Podcast Buffet Giving Canadian Podcasting a shot in the arm! Bob and Mark promote Canadian Podcasts through promos, clips and news items.

* click on the "direct download" link below or click on my hands on the sidebar to listen on your computer or download to your MP3 player, or subscribe to the show at iTunes or using the orange RSS button on the sidebar of our website
Direct download: Zedcast022ThePolarBearZedcast.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:54am -04

Zedcast 021b The Zedcast on CBC's Canada Now It's...ah...ya know...the video thingy...
This is a feature interview that was done on Podcasting and The Zedcast for CBC's Canada Now news magazine program. It was originally broadcast on December 23, 2005 in Canada, (while most of you were out doing last minute Christmas shopping). It is a transfer from a VHS copy.
Many thanks to Linda Kelly from CBC and her crew who spent all day in Pictou, shooting in four different locations. I hope you enjoy this behind the scenes look at The Zedcast and...wait a minute..."IGNORE THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN"
Direct download:
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:37am -04

A short audio Zedcast to introduce the video that will be coming in Zedcast 021b

Come and join the ZEDCAST FRAPPR MAP.

It's a new month so *Click Here* to vote for The Zedcast at podcast Alley.(You know you Waaaaaaanna'!)

Come and join other Zedcast listeners at THE ZEDCAST FORUM.

Links to shows mentioned on The Zedcast

The Big Show with Aaron and Jenny. And the Hardest Game in Podcasting - "Dead or Alive"
Shelly's Podcast an audio blog, tech comentary and humor podcast.
Geek Fu Action Grip lessons from a Geek Fu Master
A Storied Life by Sonia Brock autobiographical Podcasts for family, friends and perfect strangers.
Quirky Nomads The story of a family that said, "If the Republicans get any worse, we're moving to Canada." And then? They really did.
The Poddog Show come for a walk with Daryl & Kuma
King Bonk's Campfire Cast A periodic Setting of Sound and Story.
The Canadian Podcast Shoutout

Zee and Zed Commentary, stories, musings and observations from Ross and Karen, a sarcastic American and a wry Canadian joined in cross-border matrimony.

* click on the "direct download" link below to listen on your computer or download to your MP3 player, or subscribe to the show at iTunes or using the orange RSS button on the sidebar of our website

Direct download: Zedcast021aAudioIntro.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:21am -04

Zedcast 020 My Funny Valentine Today on the Zedcast we journey back to a St. Valentines Day 14 years ago...the day I was married...and everything else that happened on that day.

Deepest Condolences to Madge Weinstein (Richard Bluestein) from

Come and join the New ZEDCAST FRAPPR MAP You can add a picture as well as a location pin. It would be cool to see your smiling face or your logo on the map.

It's a new month so *Click Here* to vote for The Zedcast at podcast Alley.(You know you Waaaaaaanna'!)

Come and join other Zedcast listeners at THE ZEDCAST FORUM.

Links to shows mentioned on The Zedcast

Ten With Tom 5' 5" of pure lovable Tom, (plus 4" of paper mache)
Quirky Nomads The story of a family that said, "If the Republicans get any worse, we're moving to Canada." And then? They really did.

The Canadian Podcast Shoutout

The CatFish Show Life of a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) in Canada. Show Cat & Bob some LOVE by sending them an email: and tell them you heard it on The Zedcast

* click on the "direct download" link below to listen on your computer or download to your MP3 player, or subscribe to the show at iTunes or using the orange RSS button on the sidebar of our website

Direct download: Zedcast020MyFunnyValentine.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:38am -04

Zedcast 019 Old Friends, New Friends Today on the Zedcast, as we mourn the death of a close friend, I'll introduce you to some other friends of mine. Listeners turned podcasters. I was a guest quizmaster on Podquiz. And a visit from "The Bagel Girls". Thanks for listening.

Come and join the New ZEDCAST FRAPPR MAP You can add a picture as well as a location pin. It would be cool to see your smiling face or your logo on the map.

It's a new month so *Click Here* to vote for The Zedcast at podcast Alley. (You know you Waaaaaaanna'!)

Come and join other Zedcast listeners at THE ZEDCAST FORUM.

Links to shows mentioned on The Zedcast

The Kaflooey Podcast Stopping your day from falling apart. Just yell KAFLOOEY!.
Mostly News The News Source of the Podosphere
Fermata From the first organist in Canadian podcasting
Baba's Beach Everyone is family on Baba's Beach
Griddlecakes Radio Exploring the lost art of audio storytelling.
The Digital Media Cast Experiment with Michael Carrino from Logic Assistance
Griddlecakes Radio Exploring the lost art of audio storytelling.
Podquiz The Trivia Quiz Podcast - come and try your luck
Down Shift Me Matt and AJ and the story of our change from city life in Leeds, UK to a simpler country life in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Winpodder SoftwareThe New Podcast Client for Windows. COME CHECK IT OUT! It's Awesome , and it's free!

The Canadian Podcast Shoutout

The Poddog Show come for a walk with Daryl & Kuma

The Background music this week is "Sunset Beach" by The Tony Marino Project from thePodsafe Music Network
* click on the "direct download" link below to listen on your computer or download to your MP3 player, or subscribe to the show at iTunes or using the orange RSS button on the sidebar of our website

Direct download: Zedcast019OldFriendsNewFriends.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:32pm -04

Zedcast 018 Heavily Medicated Greetings Zedcast listeners and welcome to the first Zedcast of 2006! This was supposed to be out three weeks ago BUT I was too sick to podcast. But due to the wonders of modern Pharmacology I am back in the Podosphere and raring to go. Today on the Zedcast, a sound-seeing tour from a holiday tradition that has been celebrated for the last 35 years on the street where I grew up. Thanks for listening.

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Links to shows mentioned on The Zedcast

The Digital Media Cast Experiment with Michael Carrino from Logic Assistance,
Michael Carrino's Interview with Bruce Murray Part 1
Michael Carrino's Interview with Bruce Murray Part 2
Michael Carrino's Interview with Bruce Murray Part 3
Griddlecakes Radio Exploring the lost art of audio storytelling, Accident Hashwith C.C. Chapman, The 5 Questions Podcast with Greg Demetricks The Podcast Outlaws Network, Shelly's Podcast, The Big Show with Aaron and Jenny, Podcast 411 with Rob Walch, Quirky Nomads with Sage Tyrtle, The Polar Bear Podcast with Andy from Helsingborg Sweden,
Winpodder SoftwareThe New Podcast Client for Windows. COME CHECK IT OUT! It's Awesome, and it's free!
The Canadian Podcast Shoutout with Kyle Shay, highlighting Canadian Podcasts and Canadian Podsafe artists

* click on the "direct download" link below to listen on your computer or download to your MP3 player, or subscribe to the show at iTunes or using the orange RSS button on the sidebar of our website

Direct download: Zedcast018HeavilyMedicated.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:15pm -04